5 Knott Place, Mudgee, NSW 2850
This unit complex responds to the significant demand for industrial units in Mudgee. Located within the expanding industrial estate of Carleon, the complex exemplifies state-of-the-art innovation and modern design. Consisting of eight units, each available in a variety of sizes, thereby accommodating a diverse array of businesses and investors. Constructed from high-quality concrete tilt panels, the units are finished to the highest standards. Additional features include automatic roller door access, impressive internal clearance heights of 5-6 meters, and dedicated amenities for each unit. The design incorporates drive-through access for heavy vehicles and provides ample parking for both employees and clients.
This brand new industrial unit complex is conveniently located just six minutes from the central business district of Mudgee, offering valuable opportunities and space for local enterprises to expand alongside Mudgee’s flourishing economy.
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